Friday, July 13, 2007

Too Much Time Online?

I am having a terrible attack of the endless weblinks. SO much to learn, see, hear, read…I love my Google Reader, and I do think it helps narrow my experiences online to a manageable level. But lately I’ve been exploring Second Life in education, and one link leads to another which leads to another! I feel guilty spending hours online, and yet I AM learning, I AM trying to become a better-informed educator…I could be reading books (and I do), and that takes just as much time. Why does it feel wrong to spend that research time online?

I think it may be my generation’s view that computers are toys rather than tools! Holding a book for two solid hours “looks” more professional and educational than staring at a computer screen for two hours. The assumption when viewing myself doing the former is I’m learning; the assumption for the latter is that I’m playing or wasting time. I do serious work and learning here; I’m not being fair to myself. I need to change my assumptions, and I’m sure many other educators need to as well.

Another question I have for myself - is the steep learning curve worth it? I am already overwhelmed with the content and pedagogies I haven’t mastered yet within my discipline (science), and here I am trying to wrap my head around Web 2.0 innovations. Sometimes I wonder if I shouldn’t first focus on “the basics” before I try to expand my technological knowledge base. But if I can figure out efficient and effective ways to help my future students learn science by using these tools, won’t that make me a better and more savvy educator?

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